Contribute to Dining at Disney
Want to contribute to Dining at Disney? Guest reviews are always accepted and welcome! There are a few guidelines when submitting an article.
Your submitting article will be posted within the month, unless the topic has been recently covered. In such a case, it will be posted within the next three months.
Please include a 2 to 3 sentence paragraph about yourself, including a link to your site, so our readers can learn a little bit about you.
Please include photos with your article. Photos of the inside and outside of the restaurant as well as numerous shots of the food. Everyone loves pictures of food!
For food item reviews feel free to keep them brief and include the following:
- Where to eat it (i.e. Aloha Isle)
- Location (i.e. Magic Kingdom)
- Disney Dining Plan
- Cost
- Description of the item and what you liked/disliked about it and why (this helps readers decide if it’s for them)
For restaurant reviews add as much information as you can and include the following:
- Brief description of the restaurant
- Ambiance
- Menu
- Food and Drink
- Service
- Overall
Articles must be yours and not posted elsewhere. They will be edited for spelling and grammar. Links may be added or removed by Dining at Disney.
Food and Restaurant Photos
Please attach with your review when sending. Photos must be JPG format and at least 1000 pixels. They also must be yours.
Include with it the where you’d like them posted in the article, the caption you’d like to go with it and the name you’d like to use for credit.
How to Submit an Article and/or Photo
Please send posts and photos to info (@)
Want to be a regular contributor to Dining at Disney?
We’re always looking for writers! Just send us an email with a sample of your writing. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks for wanting to contribute to Dining at Disney!