Club Cool located in Future World at Epcot features Coca-Cola flavors from around the world. Guests can stop in and try a complimentary sample of the various flavors. After years of having the same flavors, they are receiving new ones! The only flavors staying are VegitaBeta from Japan and Beverly from Italy.
Club Cool at Epcot
New flavors include:
Guarana Kuat (Brazil) – A guarana berry flavored soft drink first launched in Brazil in 1997. The word guarana comes fromt he Guarani word guara-na, which translates to “fruit like the eyes of the people”.
Inca Kola (Peru) – Know as “The Taste of Peru”, this soda has an unusually sweet fruity flavor that many compare to the taste of liquid bubblegum. The name “Inca Kola” refers to the Quechua words for king and queen.
Sparberry (Zimbabwe) – A raspberry flavored cream soda, Sparberry launched in Africa in 1955. It is exclusively available in several countries in southeast Africa.
Bibo (South Africa) – Originally created in 1998, Bibo is a fruit flavored line of juice drinks popular in South Africa. The brand features fun characters such as Johnny Orange, Taka Strawberry and Paolo Peach.
Fanta Melon Frosty (Thailand) – This is the number one soft drink of Thailand. With a fun melon flavor, this carbonated beverage is beloved in Thailand’s sunny, tropical climate.
Fanta Pineapple (Greece) – With more than 90 distinct flavors available in more than 180 countries, Fanta made its European debut in the 1940′s and was introduced to the USA in 1960. Fanta Pineapple is caffeine-free and features a sweet pineapple taste.
Club Cool Flavors Around the World Photo: Krista Joy –
What do you think of the new flavors? Which are you excited to try? Which will you miss?
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